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  • Employment and Development, Caldoro Meets Trade Unions

    On the agenda, also considering the last Istat data on unemployment in Campania, the shared will to restart and relaunch the sector taskforces to identify supporting actions for development and employment. To this purpose, a quick programme will be scheduled with the dates of the meetings.

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  • Workshop on Training Project “Filiera Bianca”

    It has been established, at a regional level, the professional qualification of “master cheese maker of buffalo milk mozzarella”. This figure will be added as a subqualification to the other 22 recognised at a national level.

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  • Occupational Safety, Tender for Funds

    Each project can receive funding for a maximum of 140 thousand Euros. The action is mainly destined to small and medium-sized firms operating in high risk sectors, willing to work as a network. The measure also rewards investments in technological innovation, in training, in risk prevention at workplaces.

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  • Company Manager, Master’s Programme for 25 Graduates

    Registrations for the “Master in Operations Management – M.O.M.”, promoted by the “Centro Specialistico di Alta Formazione del Comparto Industriale Aeronautico Campano” (Specialised Centre of Higher Education of Campania Aeronautical Industrial Division) are open. The Master’s programme is...

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  • Skills Up, Teacher Training Project Presented

    Today in the Executive Board Hall at Palazzo Santa Lucia, the Regional Minister for Employment and Training, Severino Nappi, has presented the project “Skills up”, for teacher training in their paths of professional education and training.

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  • Round Table on Torre Crisis Area

    Together with the measures already considered by the Action and Cohesion Plan, Regione has reaffirmed theavailability to make more resources of the Action Plan “Campania al Lavoro!” immediately accessible. The aim is to support the single territories with their peculiarities.

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