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  • Land Protection, Go-Ahead to River and Lake Agreements

    Go-ahead from the Regional Executive Board to the negotiated planning tool for the upgrading of river basins. The Regional Minister of the Environment Romano: “This is how we involve citizens and Local Authorities” 

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  • Terra dei fuochi, Go-ahead to the tender against waste burnings

    The Regional Ministry for the Environment of Regione Campania has planned the tender for the most urgent activities against the illegal phenomenon of waste burnings in the Provinces of Caserta and Naples affected by the problem.

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  • Terra dei fuochi, Go-ahead for the aerial remote sensing

    The agreement for the collaboration between Regione Campania and the Campania Maritime Authority for the aerial remote sensing has been signed.

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  • Waste Reduction, Plan on the Partnership Table

    Also the Minister for the Environment and numerous stakeholders, among public authorities and associations, attended the meeting.The aim is the reduction at the source of the quantities produced and at their reuse.

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  • Acerra, Arpac’s inspection for oily soot

    Arpac has conducted the first inspection in Acerra in order to carry out an analysis of the oily soot that was reported in some areas. The first check took place on the past 5 September, after the report of 30 August.

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  • Plan to Reduce Waste approved by the Executive Board

    The instrument aims, in the field of prevention policies, to avoid that the management system produces waste at the source, but only useful goods.

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